About Merahki Holistic Wellness

Merahki Holistic Wellness

The very word merahki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) is derived from a Greek word Meraki which is often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.

This is what Merahki Holistic Wellness represents. This is becoming the one stop solution for thousands across the globe.

Its vision is: ‘Empowering Humanity towards a holistic life through body mind soul integration’

Founder @ Merahki

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta is an award winning holistic wellness coach, edu-preuner and inspiring speaker. She is the founder@ Merahki Holistic Wellness company.

She has won many national and international awards and recognition for her awe inspiring work including the top 50 rising star women entrepreneur award by a UK based company called WeAreTheCity. She has done several unique and innovative nutrition, fitness, meditation and education related workshops in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, New York, New Jersey, Singapore, Dubai and Bali.

She is known for her compassion to heal and passion to give her best at her work. Her USP is combining Eastern and Western natural healing ways. She has helped many patients across the globe to be cured of diseases through natural healing ways like nutrition guidelines, exercises, craniosacral therapy where surgery was the only option given by many other doctors. She also conducts holistic wellness workshops in person as well as online for corporates, healers, teachers, men, women , schools to help them develop better work efficiency and peak performance by achieving better fitness through the correct exercises, nutrition and meditation techniques.

Team Merahki

Associate Physiotherapist and Myofascial Therapist @ Merahki

Associate Physiotherapist and Sujok Therapist @ Merahki

Empowerment Coach

Personal Nutrition Counsellor and Coach

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Associate Physiotherapist

Awards & Recognition

WOW wellness and spiritual awards 2023

Dr Nidhi Bajaj Gupta has received the WOW wellness and spiritual awards 2023.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta has written a book on holistic wellness called ‘K.I.S.S. of Health’ with renowned yoga teacher, founder@Pancha yoga: Vikas Shenoy and Associate Vice President@ Global: Dr Prathima Arun.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta has co-authored a book called ‘One woman, Two advanced cancers, Conquered’ along with her sister Megha Bajaj which has been helping cancer families across the globe and also helping many people towards prevention of diseases.

was invited as the youngest speaker for a World Spiritual Confluence to inspire wellness and spirituality in corporate environments.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta along with her family were awarded ‘The Power of We’ award by the prestigious spiritual mentor Mahatria Ra, diviner of the global path Infinitheism.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta was awarded as the ‘India's top 5 unsung hero’ by a corporate company called FEI to recognize her contribution in the field of healing through scientific and artistic ways.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta awarded as the top 50 inspiring entrepreneur by a popular UK based company called WeAreTheCity.

Dr. Nidhi Bajaj Gupta was invited to do a talk show on FM 94.3 to speak about the importance of holistic wellness for children and adults.